CSR strategy and focus areas

Being ethical and caring is deeply rooted in Expressfxt values and ideology, and so is finding our own “Expressfxt Way”. In Corporate Social Responsibility we aim to create our own approach, homing in on different focus areas as we progress.

We think long term and prefer to help directly by working with grassroots organizations. Where we can, we use technology and the volunteering power of our teams to further enhance effectiveness and reach. We are not afraid of bold ideas.

We have three focus areas - Education, Environment and Emergencies.


Education is the foundation of long-term change. That's why we invest in projects across the educational spectrum, from providing crucial supplies to primary schools to top academic scholarship programs.


Environmental protection has never been more important. We want to play our part. Among other programs, we have started reforestation projects which we will expand in the coming years. We are also looking at our own environmental footprint, and engaging with expert NGOs to ensure long-term sustainability.


Being a private company with global reach, we can make a real and effective impact during local and global crises. We have made substantial donations towards fighting the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as forest fires in Cyprus. We are also involved in humanitarian efforts connected to disaster relief operations across the world.

Fighting Covid-19

When the pandemic hit we pledged €1 million to the fight. We donated ventilators, hospital material, and lab equipment - all of which were in urgent need by the health services.

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Other projects and volunteering

We have initiated many more projects since the beginning of our organized CSR efforts at Expressfxt. One example is the donation of white, black and soft boards to Pointe Larue and Anse Aux Pins schools in Seychelles, which allowed 17 classrooms to be reopened.

We also carried out a marine conservation drive that included beach, cave and underwater cleanups around Cyprus, and drew attention to the preservation of the Mediterranean monk seal with the sponsorship of an educational video.

In 2022, 676 employee volunteering hours were spent on our CSR projects. 678 kg of rubbish and waste was collected at cleanups, 280 trees were planted in reforesting efforts, and over 6,000 meals were prepared for disaster relief.

Business has both a responsibility and opportunity to have a positive impact on the world. Helping others is built into our DNA.”

Petr Valov Chief Executive Officer